Hey, I'm Mah Noor,

a Computer Science PhD student at Tulane University.

My current research is mostly based on studying, and improving Human Computer Interaction research methods. I am currently working as a graduate research assistant at the Nola A11y Lab under the supervision of Dr. Saad Hassan. I have a keen interest in the intersection of HCI and ML and subsequent interdisciplinary applications in accessibility, health informatics, and speech and language processing for public welfare. Before starting my PhD, I was a student of at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) , filling in the role of a Senior Lab Lead at the CSaLT Lab!

Things I Can Do

  • Code in Python, Javascript, C++, C, and Haskell(?)
  • Collect, clean, explore, visualize and interpret data
  • Make chai and critique papers
  • Run a bunch of machine learning models
  • Write a manuscript
  • Build UNO using MERN Stack


Here's a little about the projects that I worked on in the past.

Migraine Prediction Engine

We incorporated user diary data from American participants in conjunction with wearable sensor data to predict migraine episodes using an LSTM. We're presently in the development phase of an app, aiming to scale this project to the populace in Pakistan.

Urdu Chatbot for Self-attachment Theory

We are creating an Urdu chatbot, in continuation to the project led by the Algorithmic Human Development, Imperial College London, on the subject of attachment thory. Chatbots were previously developed for Mandarin, Russian, and Farsi audiences, setting a foundation we aim to build upon. The chatbot leverages the Self-Attachment Technique (SAT), which is proving to be a valuable tool for self-regulation and enhancing emotional stability.

Curriculum Vitae

Want to know more about me? Check out my CV.